MOM (Ministry of Manpower) simply wants all construction workers to be safe so they can come home in one piece. Every day, construction workers are risking their lives to make dreams reality. Whether it is a small project or a project involving a skyscraper, construction workers need to practice and religiously observe safety guidelines provided by the company and MOM. Unfortunately, not all companies are following safety guidelines.
If you might recall, there are about twelve crane related disasters this year and to think the year is not yet over. We all thought that construction companies learned their lessons but they did not. Construction companies still continue to violate safety guidelines and standards. On October 28, 2013, MOM divulged that there are about sixty seven (out of ninety) companies who violated safety guidelines relating to cranes.
The inspections of these companies started three months ago. The inspections cover the Operation Skylark. The operation is all about complying with safety standards and not violating it. To date, there are six construction companies who received warning from MOM while sixty one paid for fines ranging from S$500 to S$3000.
The construction companies have the responsibility to inculcate safety practices that it becomes a habit. In this particular case, the companies are seen violating some of the safety guidelines. So, how can workers know that the companies are serious about their safety? That is the big question. While construction companies ponder on that, it is crucial that workers know what are expected from them when they are in construction sites. Workers should not forget about protective equipments.