How to Sneak Veggies into Your Picky Eater’s Diet

As a parent, it’s always tough to deal with a picky eater, and getting your kids to eat vegetables can be a real challenge that turns mealtimes from a fun way to start the day as a family to a tedious chore that tests the limits of your patience.

So how do you get your kids to like vegetables? Here are a few simple tips to have them start munching on their daily recommended intake of leafy greens:

1. Stick to their schedule.
Kids need to eat a lot, and their typical daily diet consists of three meals, two snacks, and a lot of fluids (i.e. water or sometimes fruit juices). Though you might think that preparing meals for them can be tedious at first, they’re actually pretty easy to plan around.

Having a balanced diet means that your children will be less hungry, and therefore less cranky.

2. Plan your meals.
Instead of making separate meals to cater to your kids, prepare just one meal for everyone in the family. Because children will often imitate their parents’ behavior, if they see you eat vegetables, they’ll be more inclined to try the leafy greens themselves.

3. Introduce slowly.
You don’t have to break out the broccoli and bok choi all at once. You shouldn’t force or bribe your children to eat them, either. Because their taste buds are sensitive to bitter tastes and aren’t as well developed as the adult palate, start them up with potatoes and carrots first.

Easing them into liking vegetables includes a trying out a variety of ways, from adding vegetables to frittatas to scrambled eggs, to even smoothies.

When introducing vegetables to your kids, be creative. The reason why they will tend to go for chicken or meat instead of vegetables is because they have more flavor, and vegetables are naturally bland. You can make their meals flavorful, for example, by adding seasoning to stir-fried vegetables.

4. Let your kids help out in cooking.
They might be more inclined to try out vegetables if you let them help you cook. You can also ask them what kind of vegetables they would like to have. Cooking for mealtimes can even be a bonding experience with your kids.

5. Be patient.
Your kids won’t love vegetables overnight – it’s a process that takes time, effort, and consistency. The same goes for you as well. As a parent, you’re completely responsible for planning their meals, and they will follow what you do. Eventually, they’ll warm up to the leafy greens.

How to Bring Out the Best in Children  


There is no such thing as a perfect parent however you can be the greatest parent if you really want to. It is important that you take parenthood seriously. Being a parent does not only involve feeding the children, sending them to school and giving what they need. Being a parent also involves bringing up motivated, as well as responsible and successful children.

Happy kids

This is a challenge but with tips on bringing out the best in your children, you will be successful. At the end of the day, seeing how your children behave takes all other unpleasant things form day’s work away. Rearing a child is not easy with frustrations and disappointments along the way. Being a parent is indeed the hardest job in the world.

There will come a time that you get confused and lost. When this day comes, do not give up on your child. Just remember that you are not alone. There are many parents here in Singapore that can share some insights and there’s your partner and parents to turn to. As a start, here are some things that you can consider to bring out the best in your children:

  • Catching children when they are being good: Good deeds need to be commended. Children need affirmation that what they are doing is good so as a parent, you have to catch your children when they are being goof and make an effort to acknowledge their efforts and behaviours. Remember that children react well to positive feedback.
  • Teaching children that the world doesn’t orbit around them: Children think that they can get what they want. These children believe that their wants and needs only matter. They have this self-centred attitude because some parents blindly made them the centre of universe. If your children ask too much, make them understand their place in the scheme of things.


  • Allowing children to be independent: Independent doesn’t mean throwing them out and see how they can fetch themselves. Allowing children to be independent means not doing things for them. For example, allowing your teenager child to go along to a dentist’s appointment. This will allow children to take accountability. This will surely help them mature and grow.
  • Creating family rituals and traditions: If you want your children to grow family-oriented, it is time to create family rituals and traditions. For example, every year, consider camping outside or traveling out of town. If that is not enough, think of things to do every weekend like cooking together or going out together.
  • Teaching children about feelings: Teaching children about feelings is difficult. Explaining something inside is difficult but letting them understand should be the key. Let them understand that all feelings are natural and okay but actions after feeling it are not natural and okay. If children know how to handle their feelings, they will not lash out leading to violence.
  • Treating all people with respect: Children should learn the value of respect. As a parent, you need to treat all people with respect and that is being a good role model. Show to your kids that everyone deserves respect no matter their stature in life.


How to Inspire Young People to Read Books  


The world will be so much fun and creative if all people love reading. Unfortunately, reading is not a thing for most and that should be improved. Parents can improve reading of their kids if they are serious about it. This article will teach parents on how to inspire young people to read books. Remember that knowledge is power.


Reading has different benefits in the overall well-being of the person. There is this new study that revealed people who love to read are healthier and more empathetic. The research was conducted by The Reading Agency. The Agency conducted the study on behalf of BOP Consulting. The researchers studied readers and non-readers from different age.

The study found out that readers, regardless of the age, are healthier and more empathetic than their counterparts. This is enough to encourage and inspire young people to read books. Furthermore, apart from being empathetic, reading can also help children to socialize at that it can keep depression away. For adults, reading is important as it can fend off dementia.

Here are some ways on how to inspire young people to read books:

  • Be a good model: If your children see you enjoy reading, they will get curious. It is important that you are a good model to your children. Reading a book gives a different experience and sharing those experiences with your children is the best feeling in the world.
  • Make reading a habit: If your children see you have established reading in your routine, they will follow your lead and see what good it makes.
  • Let the children pick a book: To inspire and motivate them, you just don’t pick a book and throw it at their table and offer for reward after finishing. We have different tastes when it comes to books and letting the children choose their own book is a good strategy. They are already fed up with scholarly books demanded by schools. It is time that you give them the freedom to pick a book. On Sundays for example, bring your children to bookstores and let them choose a book they like.


  • Process output: Sometimes kids do not understand some books that is why it is preferred to choose books that is especially made for them. But if they chose a more mature book, you have to process the output so they will not misunderstand the book and the morals. If the children do not understand a word or sentence, give them your valuable insights.

Now that you know reading can make a difference, you have to force your kids. That is not good. Only those who read for pleasure and not forced will enjoy the benefits. If you are forced, you will be stressed out. You do not want to stress your child so much because they will find reasons not to read and dread every moment of it.

If the tips mentioned above proved to be futile, it is time to talk to the child and ask determine where the distaste comes from. Remember that to correlate all the benefits, one must love reading. Do not however expect that doctors will prescribe reading books.
