What Students do to Occupy Themselves during School Holidays  


Depending on the country we are in, school days have different appeal to students. For others, they are glad that school is over – at least in the meantime but there are others who wish holidays will never arrive because it means more work and less play. Regardless of the country, school holidays are an integral part of the lives of students.

Five young friends with bicycles scooters and skateboard outdoor

So, how do you spend your school days? If you are curious of what students do when they are on holidays, here is a quick reference on what students do to occupy themselves during school holidays:

  • Singapore: Here in Singapore, not all students are happy during school holidays because they are still expected to fulfil or accomplish schoolwork. For those who are used to it, they automatically assume that all students from all over the world have the same tasks like them. The schoolwork during school holidays is not that bad, after all we boast of the best education in the world.
  • Philippines: In the Philippines, school holidays mean bumming. There, school holidays are called semester break and students are looking forward to it. The break typically falls on the third or fourth week of October and usually lasts two weeks. Classes will resume first or second week of November. In two weeks, students are not expected to accomplish schoolwork or any projects.
  • China: In China, school break means additional classes. It is a norm in China that students take additional classes to further their learnings. This is more productive than staying in the house and bum around. If there are no additional classes, students study for their upcoming exams.


  • United States: In United States, summer camp is famous. When it is school holidays, no one is left in the house without the supervision of parents. As a result, American parents send their kids to summer camp. Summer camp offers varied programs and kids will surely find their interests and enrol.
  • Australia: In Australia, school holidays are different depending on the Department of Education of each state. Typically it is from December to February. Students there enjoy the outdoors. Instead of bumming inside the house or do schoolwork, they prefer to enjoy the great outdoors. They consider camping, mountain climbing and surfing.
  • United Kingdom: United Kingdom is a prosperous country and some affluent families send their kids to help out less fortunate people either abroad or locally. Parents in United Kingdom hope that helping out can enrich the learning of their children.

Students spend their school holidays differently and regardless of what country you are in, you have to occupy yourself with better things for the advancement of your learning.


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